Express blouse and belt. Rachel Roy skirt. Asos clutch. Gianni Bini flats (not pictured)
Now that I am a visual junkie with slight ADD tendencies, subsisting primarily on a diet of blog photos, deviantART, Pintrest and Facebook (but only the Facebook pages of my photography friends), it should come as no surprise that I went for the pretty picture. The skirt is actually a print of the Manhattan skyline in watercolor and the sunshine yellow called out to me, challenging me to find a top to go with it. Usually, I am a firm believer in buying up the basics - black, cream, navy, tan, light pink - colors that match with the majority of the things I have in my closet. But who ever heard of teenage girls making rational decisions on a daily basis?Another irrational decision - trooping around downtown Franklin in the blistering heat. Stopped off at Sweet Cece's to bask in the miracle that is air conditioning and ice cream and discovered the prettiest bathroom. EVER. Almost tempted to sneak my camera in there and take some shots of the gorgeous stained glass windows but then I realized even my insane visual cravings must have a limit.
Summer is rapidly coming to a the calm before the storm, I'm sensing the piles of work that will soon engulf me, smelling the stress in the wind. But for now, throw caution to the wind because the fireflies are leaving.
Well, I certainly hope that wearing that beautiful skirt might help to ward off some of that looming stress. That's definitely a reason to buy stand out pieces like that one. It's true that investing in practicality is always a good idea...but also boring while that outfit most certainly is not. :)
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