Monday, August 8, 2011

And to all a good day

I feel like I'm cheating a bit since this is not an outfit post. However, it does include dreams, happiness and other such things that can be bought at the Mall. I jest of course, but when you have been actively seeking an adorable pair of black Oxfords for several months to no avail, bordering on desperation - the feeling you get when you come into possession of such a pair can only be described as happiness.(P.S: They even smell like leather....)

Here are my immaculate darlings and I cannot wait to wear them with...EVERYTHING.

Oxfords - Nine West
On a more beauty-related note, I have tired of bright neon nail polish and dark, sultry shades a la Vamp and so at the slightest chance decided to buy the prettiest pastel shades. My current favorite novel, The Adventures and Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes may or may not have to do with my choice of nail polish (think late Victorian tea parties). 

Fiji and Lilacism c/o of Essie:

I love the lilac shade so much I've even included a picture of my feet (Quelle horreur!)


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